Another Baseball Simulator… in Python!
Two weeks ago, I did a little bit of web scraping, getting data from a simple table. Last week, I created a baseball simulator in JavaScript. This week, I’m combining the two: scraping data from a baseball stats site, then building a simulator… but this time, both in Python!
Scraping The Data
Whereas in JavaScript we used the request().then().then() function syntax along with the DOM querySelector() and querySelectorAll() functions to find the table, we’ll be using the Python equivalents for this exercise: the ‘requests’ library for the initial GET request and then the famous ‘Beautiful Soup’ library to filter through the web page and get the desired table.
After downloading said libraries locally on your machine (via pip, conda or whatever your preference is), import the functions at the top of your file. Then, to get the data from the website, we use requests.get() and then several BeautifulSoup functions to parse the data:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas# Gets all the HTML from the given URL
page = requests.get("")
# Parses the HTML string and turns it into a analyzable Beautiful Soup object
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
# Getting the first table from the page
my_table = soup.find('table')
# Getting the column header cells, which contains column labels
my_head = my_table.find('thead')
# Getting the inner text from each cell - like .innerText in JS
my_head = [cell.text for cell in my_head.find_all('th')]
# All the rows containing team batting totals - AB, R, H, etc.
my_table = [row for row in my_table.find_all('tr')]
# Getting the inner text from each row cell, i.e. the numbers, and converting them from strings to floats
my_table = [[float(cell.text) for cell in row.find_all('td')] for row in my_table]
# Filters out the empty cells my_table = [cell for cell in my_cells if cell]
At this point, we invoke our last library: the magical Pandas, with its core DataFrame data structure, to hold our batting #s as a sort of Excel-style spreadsheet, which can be easily manipulated and filtered:
# Taking our arrays of arrays of numbers (my_table) and inserting them into a DataFrame to make a 2-D data table; the array of labels in my_head will serve as the column
stats = pandas.DataFrame(data=my_table, columns=my_head[1:])
# Filtering out the last row, which contains unneeded sums & averages of the individual 30 team rows
stats = stats.iloc[:30, :]
Using the wonderful Jupyter Notebook tool, which lets us run and tests individual code snippets, here’s what we get:
Even though these rows are team-wide averages, we can treat them as individual player stats and later load them into our simulator. We don’t need all 28 columns; so we can just grab the key columns from this table and use them to generate a probability distribution for each “player”. Then, using our knowledge of baseball, we can calculate the % of plate appearances resulting in singles, doubles, triples, homers, walks and outs:
# Paring our stats DataFrame from 28 columns to 10
df = stats[['PA', 'H', '2B', '3B', 'HR', 'BB', 'GDP', 'HBP', 'SH', 'SF']]
# Calculating the number of singles (i.e. hits - non-single hits)
df['1B'] = df['H'] - df[['2B', '3B', 'HR']].sum(1)
# Adding together total walks: 4-ball walks + hit by pitch walks
df['WALK'] = df[['BB', 'HBP']].sum(1)
# Outs = All plate appearancesdf['OUT'] = df['PA'] - df[['H', 'WALK']].sum(1)
# The needed columns for our 6 outcomes
df_probs = df[['1B', '2B', '3B', 'HR', 'WALK', 'OUT']]
# Dividing the rows by total number of plate appearances, to get probabilities that add up to 1 for each row
df_probs = df_probs.div(df_probs.sum(1), axis=0)
Here’s what our probability distribution looks like now:
Now, we can treat these 30 rows as players and load them onto teams! We’ll randomly select two groups of 9 rows and treat them as 9-player teams:
team1 = df_probs.sample(9)
avails = [ix for ix in df_probs.index if ix not in team1.index]
team2 = df_probs.iloc[avails, :].sample(9)
Now, let’s go through and create the game & simulator classes! We can basically just take the code from our JavaScript classes and convert them into Python, with several alterations to take into account the use of DataFrames and player-specific data:
class Player:
def __init__(self, probs):
self.probs = pd.Series(probs) # Player prob distribution
self.stats = [] # Player at-bat results will be stored here
# Randomly select number from 0 to 1; probability of outcomes will depend on individual player probs. Then, store in player stats
def at_bat(self):
outcome = np.random.choice(self.probs.index, p=self.probs.values)
return outcome # Calculate's player on-base percentage
def OBP(self):
nonouts = [ab for ab in self.stats if ab != 'OUT']
return 1.0 * len(nonouts) / len(self.stats)
# Calculates player batting average
def AVE(self):
apps = [ab for ab in self.stats if ab != 'WALK']
hits = [ab for ab in apps if ab != 'OUT']
return 1.0 * len(hits) / len(apps)
# Records number of bases for each outcome (e.g. single = 1, double = 2)
def bases(self, hit_type):
if hit_type in ['WALK', '1B']:
return 1
elif hit_type == '2B':
return 2
elif hit_type == '3B':
return 3
elif hit_type == 'HR':
return 4
return 0
# Slugging = average number of bases advanced per at-bat (counting walks as 1 base, slightly different from standard definition)
def slugging(self):
return sum([self.bases(ab) for ab in self.stats]) / len(self.stats)
Next, we create our team class, which is initialized with a 9-row DataFrame, each row serving as a player’s probability distribution:
class Team:
def __init__(self, players):
self.players=players # 9x6 DataFrame
self.record = [0, 0] # Initial 0-0 record, updated after each game # Adds one to win or loss column
def update_record(self, boo):
if boo:
self.record[0] += 1
self.record[1] += 1
Now we create the Game class, which contains the functions for generating each at-bat and updating the game state accordingly:
class Game:
def __init__(self,
self.current_player=current_playerdef walker(self):
self.bases[0] += 1
for i in range(3):
if self.bases[i]==2:
self.bases[i] -= 1
self.bases[i+1] += 1
runs = self.bases[-1]
self.bases = self.bases[:3]
self.score[self.away_or_home] += runsdef hitter(self, hit_type):
if hit_type == '1B':
self.bases = [1,0]+self.bases
elif hit_type == '2B':
self.bases = [0,1]+self.bases
elif hit_type == '3B':
self.bases = [0,0,1]+self.bases
elif hit_type == 'HR':
self.bases = [0,0,0,1]+self.bases
runs = sum(self.bases[3:])
self.bases = self.bases[:3]
self.score[self.away_or_home] += runsdef handle_at_bat(self):
result = player.at_bat()
if result == 'OUT':
self.outs += 1
elif result == 'BB':
if (self.inning >= 9 and ((self.outs >= 3 and self.away_or_home == 0) or self.away_or_home == 1) and self.score[0] < self.score[1]) or (self.inning >= 9 and self.outs >= 3 and self.score[0] > self.score[1]):
self.game_on = False
if self.outs >= 3:
if self.away_or_home == 1:
self.inning += 1
self.outs = 0
self.current_player[self.away_or_home] = (self.current_player[self.away_or_home] + 1) % 9
self.away_or_home = (self.away_or_home + 1) % 2
self.bases = [0, 0, 0]def play_game(self):
while self.game_on:
final_score = copy.copy(self.score)
winner = 1 if (self.score[0] < self.score[1]) else 0
self.teams[0].record[winner] += 1
self.teams[1].record[(winner+1)%2] += 1
self.inning = 1
self.outs = 0
self.away_or_home = 0
self.bases = [0,0,0]
self.score = [0,0]
self.game_on = True
return {
"final_score": final_score,
"winner": winner
Lastly, we add the Simulator class, which takes the inputs specified by the player (game state, players) and simulates a given number of games, as determined by the user:
class Simulator:
def __init__(self, teams, inning=1, away_or_home=0,bases=[0,0,0], outs=0, score=[0,0]):
def simulate(self, its=100):
game_log = []
wins = 0
for i in range(its):
game = Game([getattr(self, attr) for attr in dir(g) if "__" not in attr])
result = game.play_game()
wins += result.winner
print(f"The home team won ${wins} out of ${its}, for a winning percentage of {wins / its * 100}%!")
return game_log